Selected Writing

Reviews, Interviews
Sheila Fell: Cumberland on Canvas for the Brooklyn Rail
Jane Irish, interview ahead of her exhibition, ‘Eureka’ at Locks Gallery for Philadelphia’s ArtBlog
Polly Apfelbaum and David Ellinger at Arcadia University for ArtBlog
Various painting exhibitions for Philly ArtBlog


Jelly Fungus, on pleasure, painting, and history for Fence Books’ Steaming. Available as a zine with block printed cover (contact me!)
Cured Not Dry, for Allegedly Sister Perpetua’s Grey Habits: Zachary Rawe New Paintings at Ruschwoman, Chicago.

In the summer of 2023, I taught a cohort of brilliant art writers at Fleisher Art Memorial. 
We produced a zine, Eat Your Own Web, with prose and poetry responding to the course readings and site visits around Philadelphia.